Minimal Waste Period

April 2020 - Natural Home

If you’ve ever had pre-menstrual cramps then you know they are not in the least bit enjoyable. Nature’s Fare Markets carries all of the natural remedies you need to help make your time of the month quite relaxing.

Don’t worry about leaking with these comfortable, reusable cloth pads. With cute patterns and soft material, they are extra absorbent. Lunapads helps divert 20 million disposable pads and tampons from North American landfills every single year. That’s pretty impressive!

I’ll admit it—I was a little hesitant to try my first menstrual cup because it’s just simply not the way we were taught growing up. Isn’t that like most things that change for the better, though? This eco-friendly, cost-effective little device has saved me so much money and I got used to using it in a short amount of time.

CASTOR OIL PACK – Queen of Thrones
This castor oil pack has stood the test of time, and for a good reason. This less stress, less fuss healing pack doesn’t need to be heated. All you need to do is add a few drops of castor oil to the inside of the pack and place it
on the area in discomfort. Castor oil is known for reducing inflammation and has been used by many women to ease menstrual cramping.

BLACK COHOSH – St. Francis
This black cohosh herbal tincture is often used to relieve menopausal and premenstrual symptoms as well as ease nervous tension, and muscle and joint pain. Just drop 1 to 2 mL (30 to 60 drops) into your water on an empty stomach to receive the benefits. You can use this tea up to three times daily!

CUP OF CALM® TEA – Traditional Medicinals
This calming tea comes in recyclable packaging and is filled with soothing ingredients to help manage the discomforts that sometimes accompany menstrual cramps. This tea is perfect for the evenings when you’re about to go to bed because it has passionflower, lavender, and catnip. These herbs are all known as “nervines” because they help support the nervous system.

Kaitlyn Dickie What lights my fire? Pizza, vegan desserts, the mountains and the ocean! I love sharing tips and tricks on how to live a more kind-to-the-earth lifestyle so that we can enjoy our planet for decades to come. It’s not that hard, I promise! Come hang out with me on Instagram where I post everyday alternatives you can choose starting today! @kaitlyndickie

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