3 Ingredient “Clean” Chicken Nuggets

August 2018 - Lunch & Dinner

3 Ingredient “Clean” Chicken Nuggets

If you can boil chicken and crush crackers, then you can make these happen!! ????This recipe is going to become your secret weapon once the busy school year gets going, because these nuggets are delicious, and they come together in no time!

Kiddos like these hot or cold, so why not double the batch, and let tonight’s quick and easy dinner be tomorrow’s school lunch, too? Making life easier… I’m all about that!

Yield: Aprrox. 10-12 chicken nuggets

All you need: a food processor or blender, a cookie cutter, a parchment-lined baking sheet, and the ingredients.


  1. Boil your chicken in water for 15-20 mins, until cooked. TIP: if your chicken breasts come out too dry- your nuggets will ALSO be dry; don’t over cook.
  2. Toss a bag of marys gone crackers crackers into your blender and blend into powder- dump into a rimmed dish
  3. Place cooked and cooled chicken in blender, and blend with an egg and salt until smooth (The texture might seem weird, but I promise that they will be awesome!)
  4. Roll the chicken mix out like play dough; until it’s about 1 inch thick
  5. Use cookie cutter to cut out nuggets shapes
  6. Lay each shaped chicken in the crushed crackers and flip it around a few times– to coat
  7. Place on parchment-lined sheet and bake at 350 for about 10-12 mins; flipping halfway through

Suggested sides : A fun dipping sauce, like yellow mustard, or plain greek yogurt; along with a few slices of cheese and fresh fruit.

Who said that you need a “happy meal” to make them happy anyway?! 😉 Homemade nuggets for the win!

Clean Little Plates is a place of inspiration in getting your little ones to love whole, real, DELICIOUS foods. Follow Melanie on Instagram @cleanlittleplates for more recipe ideas.

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