Coconut Curry Soup

February 2018 - Lunch & Dinner

Coconut Curry Soup

This plant-based Coconut Curry from Vega will quickly become a favourite for lunch or dinner. It is nutiritious and full of flavours to keep you warm as winter continues.

Coconut Curry Soup


  1. Heat coconut oil in large pot. Add onions and carrots. Sauté 3-5 minutes.
  2. Add peppers and mushrooms. Sauté 3 minutes.
  3. Add garlic, ginger, red pepper flakes, curry paste and curry power. Sauté 1 minute, stirring frequently. Optional: If using lemongrass and Kefir lime leafs add here and remove before serving. You can put them in cheese cloth tied together with string for easy removal.
  4. Add vegetable broth and tofu and let simmer for 15-30 minutes.
  5. Add coconut cream and brown rice. Simmer until hot. Season with salt. *Optional: Remove lemongrass and Kefir lime leafs now.
  6. Cilantro and a splash of lime juice or apple cider vinegar. *Optional: Add Thai basil here

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