Food is Love

October 2015 - Health & Wellness

Happy Thanksgiving! Do you have a busy weekend planned visiting with friends and family? Or, are you manage to find some quiet time to rest and reflect as the season’s change takes hold?

Miracles are waiting everywhere so whether it is a walk outside to wake up your body, a long afternoon nap, or a light salad for lunch after a heavy meal yesterday we encourage you to find ways to thank yourself today.

Food = love

“Food is love,” says Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Lisa Kilgour. “Feeding yourself nurturing food as an act of self-love is a real practice to try.”

Kilgour suggests we try to eat foods that we look forward to preparing, and sitting down to enjoy. If you had a turkey dinner yesterday what is it that you want today? More of the same? Or, are you craving something completely different?

“Our diet mentality in North America says ‘I have to eat this, but I deserve that.’ Your self-worth should not come at a sacrifice to your enjoyment,” says Kilgour.

So if the leftover pumpkin pie has your name on it, enjoy every delicious bite! Treats taken in moderation bring balance to life.

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