Morel Mushroom Risotto

May 2023 - Lunch & Dinner

Morel Mushroom Risotto

Morel Mushroom Risotto


  1. Bring stock to a simmer in a medium saucepan.
  2. In another medium saucepan, sauté the onion and garlic in olive oil until translucent, about 5 minutes.
  3. Add about half the morels along with thyme and sauté for another minute.
  4. Add rice to the onion mixture and cook while constantly stirring for about 1–2 minutes until the rice becomes slightly opaque. Season with salt and adjust the heat to keep garlic from browning.
  5. Add cider or wine and stir. Allow to the liquid to be absorbed almost completely.
  6. Add the hot stock one ladle at a time, stirring frequently, until the stock has been absorbed before adding more, until the rice is slightly al dente. This should take 20–30 minutes of simmering and stirring (or forego a timer and drink a glass of wine instead). The stirring helps to release the starch from the rice and creates a creamy texture. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed.
  7. When the rice has absorbed all the liquid and is creamy, remove it from the heat. Add the cheese and stir until it is completely melted.
  8. Sauté the remaining morels in butter for 5 minutes. Divide the risotto between plates and top each plate with the sautéed morels. Add more cheese if desired.
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