Daylight Savings: Put Spring in Your Step

February 2022 - Community & Environment

Spring is finally here! More daylight means more energetic, feel-good serotonin in our bodies – but first we have to adjust to one hour’s less sleep. So here are some tips to help you to adjust – and to fall asleep more easily.

Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 13
At 1:00 am set your clocks ahead to 2:00 am.

Be in the dark

Turn off your TV and devices an hour before bedtime – and darken your room to filter out early morning light. Good to do, any time of year.

Go herbal

Stay away from caffeine at least five hours before bedtime, and sip some passion flower or chamomile tea to ease your way to dream time. There are also many natural supplements to help improve sleep.

Did you know?

  • A study funded by mobile phone makers showed that people exposed to mobile radiation took longer to fall asleep, and spent less time in deep sleep.
  • More traffic and workplace accidents happen during seasonal time changes, so take extra care.

Take a bath

A warm bath raises your body temperate, and then cools it when you get out, mimicking the natural temperature drop the brain triggers as it prepares to sleep. Add a few drops of soothing lavender oil, too.

Look on the bright side

Open your curtains wide in the morning to feel more alert. At the end of the day, resist the urge to linger longer outside in the evening, especially if it’s sunny – just until your inner clock is adjusted.

Take a breath

Meditate before bedtime, or simply sit and breathe slowly and deeply, systematically tensing then relaxing all your muscles.

Plan ahead

Go to bed 15 minutes earlier for three or four days before the time change, to adjust to the new light-dark cycle – particularly important for children.

That’ll put a spring in your step!

“It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want—oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!”
– Mark Twain

What is Daylight Savings Time Day?

A day when people of various countries and states across the world set their clocks one hour a head of the standard time. The practice was first introduced in Europe during the First World War. The idea was to take advantage of the longest summer days by gaining an extra hour of daylight and shortening the days in winter. It was not a new concept, back in 1784 American inventor and politician Benjamin Franklin suggested that starting the day earlier in summer will save a considerable number of candles. Those in favor of practice same today’s energy consuming society the environmental benefits links to changing a clock on considerable or of a small amount of electricity as save per household added up they can be significant.

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