March 8: International Women’s Day

March 2017 - Community & Environment

The world is a kinder and easier place for women in most countries, today, thanks to a group of fiercely determined Suffragettes who marched for better working conditions, in New York, over 100 years ago.

From that first march, women and men have continued to work towards the opportunities available through gender equality – through bold, public action or humble resistance – for their children, their communities, and themselves.

Today International Women’s Day (IWD) is a globally united movement to speak out and show support for gender parity, and to celebrate the achievements of women – socially, culturally, economically and politically.

Did you know?
Manitoba, in 1916, was the first Canadian province to grant women the right to vote in provincial elections.

According to the Status of Women Canada the world becomes a better place for everyone when women and girls are empowered, and have the opportunities, tools and resources to make better choices for their families. These include:

  • Access to education
  • Involvement in the community
  • Financial independence
  • Understanding the right to live free from violence
  • Understanding and exercising their democratic rights.

This year’s Canada’s theme of Women’s Empowerment Leads to Equality encourages women and girls to fulfill their potential and contribute their best to society. #YouAreEmpowerment

Want to join in? Just do a quick online search for events in BC to find out what’s happening in your community. Join in the conversation online #BeBoldForChange.

“A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.”
― Coco Chanel


  • 1909 – the first National Woman’s Day (NWD) was observed across the US, on February 28, after 15,000 women marched the year before, in New York City, to demand better working conditions, pay and voting rights.
  • 1911 – the first International Women’s Day (IWD) was marked in Austria, Denmark, Switzerland and Germany. More than 1 million men and women attended.
  • 1975 – The United Nations first celebrated IWD.
  • 1977 – the General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a UN Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace, to be observed on any day of the year by Member States, in accordance with their historical and national traditions.


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